Historically, older adults have been “underestimated, under-identified, under diagnosed and undertreated” (Center for Substance Abuse Treatment [CSAT]) as a population
What is ASH?
The Addiction Supportive Housing Program assists clients with a history of substance abuse or gambling concerns to have access to safe and affordable housing along with case management services.
Our Care Manager help clients achieve housing stability, minimize the risk associated with substance and gambling use, and offer support in finding appropriate community resources.
How do I know if I’m eligible?
In order to be eligible for the ASH Program, you must meet the following criteria:
- Aged 55+
- Problematic substance use/gambling or concurrent disorders
- Homeless/marginally housed
- Must be willing to work on a recovery plan with a Case Manager
What do I receive?
- Rent subsidy
- Access to an Intensive Addictions Care Manager
- Comprehensive and ongoing treatment plans
- Referrals to appropriate treatment services
- Independent living skills, training, and support
- Access to social and recreational activities
- Individualized assessments
- Access to specialized geriatric medicine and supports
Contact Us
To refer a client to one of our Addiction and Mental Health Services, please submit an application through the Access Point at www.theaccesspoint.ca or call SPLC’s Intake Department at (416) 493-3333 x 806.