At SPLC, we are happy to see more seniors in-person as pandemic restrictions continue to be lifted. While we are eager to connect with seniors, the safety of all in our community remains a top priority. That’s why SPLC is continuing to take a slow and gradual approach when it comes to reopening.
Please note the following safety measures remain in place:
- Masks are still required by seniors and staff. SPLC will revaluate the use of masks at the end of April.
- Vaccine certificates are also still required to participate in SPLC programs
- In-person activities, including the Terrace Restaurant, will have a maximum capacity of 75-100% depending on the program space, staffing capacity, ability for distancing, etc.
- Staff and seniors will continue physical distancing and handwash/sanitize
- Seniors will be screened for symptoms prior to in-person activities
- Staff continue to be screened daily