As a virtual volunteer, Hari is a program assistant with our Senior Active Living Centre. His tasks include teaching seniors how to use technology, organizing weekly recreational events (Bingo nights) and setting up 1-on-1 conversations with seniors to alleviate their loneliness and support their mental health.
Hello everyone, I’m Hari, I am volunteering with SPLC’s Seniors Active Living Centre as a virtual program assistant.
Seniors are unfortunately a very underappreciated and underrepresented population in contemporary society, but we cannot deny that everything that we know now is through the experiences of these seniors. Our community was built upon their efforts and now it is our time to give back to them.
That is why, even though I am in the U.S., hundreds of kilometers away from my home, I continue to volunteer remotely, just so I can give back to the community that raised me and the seniors who were so instrumental in building the community.
I know that it has been a very difficult past few years for all of us, but I admire everyone here for their willingness to look past themselves during these troubling times, recognize seniors who were hit the hardest by the pandemic and donate their time, energy and efforts to help out where they can.
Thank you so much everyone for your efforts and I hope that we can continue to work towards the betterment of our community together in the future as well.
SPLC is thankful to all volunteers who remain dedicated to supporting our community. We are always looking to build our community and welcome new volunteers to our team. By becoming part of our team, you will help ensure our vital programs continue to be available for seniors.