When we provide the right kinds of supports and care to seniors, we are helping them age in the place they most want to be – at home

The pandemic has been especially hard on seniors. Now is the time to change the course of care and help seniors age where they want to – at home, in their familiar community, and with friends and family.

We often hear seniors say, “I want to stay here” when it comes to living in their homes as they age.

For this to happen, we need to

  • Ensure seniors have access to support and care
  • Offer wraparound services to promote and maintain seniors’ health
  • Provide options for safe and affordable housing
At SPLC, we know how critical it is to the health of seniors to provide wraparound community care and housing support.

Serving communities comprised of low-income, racialized persons, who often live alone with limited or no family support, SPLC provides innovative assistance to many who might otherwise fall through the cracks. SPLC takes a holistic approach that is tailored to the individual’s needs and choices.

  • We enlist and collaborate with health and housing system partners
  • We offer wraparound care services including everything from Seniors Active Living Classes to support for seniors with complex conditions

The impact is that more seniors are connected and aging well with the right people and supports around them.

The need for improved community and home supports for seniors is province wide. However, there are challenges:
  • Increasing need.
    More people are reaching age 65 every year, and increasingly seniors are choosing to stay in their home. Many have experienced a decline in health due to pandemic isolation and lack of access to care.
  • Underfunding.
    The majority of community care providers, including SPLC, are non-profits and they are not fully funded to provide care for Ontarians who need it most.
  • Lack of supports.
    8% of newly admitted residents to long-term care in Ontario could have been kept at home with the right supports in place. That means more than 8,000 Ontarians could have stayed home and received the necessary supports in their communities.

*Data from OCSA

SPLC is calling on political leaders in our community to stand up for seniors.

Be the voice at Queen’s Park to let the Ontario Government know that there are options that can better serve seniors to help them age well at home and prevent more seniors from having to go to long-term care.

There is another way.
  • SPLC works to help all seniors in our community to remain independent for as long as possible and age where they most want to be – at home. We have the expertise to help seniors age in place and provide support to people from diverse backgrounds who are experiencing complex needs and frailty.
  • SPLC offers options to maintain health and prevent decline through to care for complex situations and health conditions. We offer: inter-professional geriatrics and mental health & addictions services, care management, coordination and system navigation, adult day programs, personal care, in-home supports, caregiver supports, meals delivery, transportation, Seniors Active Living Centre programs, health and wellness education, and professional clinics.
  • Our supports include geriatric services with frail and complex seniors, and older adults experiencing homelessness, substance use and mental health concerns.